Thursday, October 20, 2022

Over 50 Free Girl Scout Patch Programs and Printables 2022-2023

Whether you are a new troop with limited funds or an established one who is saving their cookie money for a big trip or event, you can use these over 50 free Girl Scout patch programs and printables for your next meeting.

One of the most popular features on my blog these past few years has been the Friday Freebie posts. Leaders do not need to spend money on programming, as there are plenty of free patch programs, downloadable printables, and field trips if you know where to look!

50 Free Girl Scout Patch Programs and Printables

Please note…if a program no longer offers the patch, you can always substitute a fun patch in its place.

Below you will find free patch programs and printables for your troop to use year round. More will be added during the year!

For the new scouting year, I am creating an updated list of these freebies for you to use. Enjoy and please let me know if you have done any of them and how it turned out!

Free Girl Scout Meeting Planning Templates

Icebreaker Activities for Back to Troop

Founder’s Day Craft for Younger Scouts

Barilla Pasta Share the Table Activities

60 Acts of Kindness Activities for Tweens and Teens (perfect for older girls)

Free Cabot Cheese Patch Program

Free Banking Resources from TD Bank

You Throw Like a Girl Patch Program

Dental Health Program for Kids

Mental Health Awareness

Cabot Cheese (7 patch programs!)

Girl Scouts on Wheels

Groundwater Foundation

Personal Finance

Free Girl Scout Patch Programs and Printables 2022-2023

Free Craft Classes at Lakeshore Learning (cancelled for now dow to Covid. Check back to see when they will be available)

JoAnn Fabrics Girl Scout Reward Program

Radio Patch

Girl Scout Founder’s Day Bingo Game

Free Halloween Printables for Girl Scout Meetings

4 Free Girl Scout Field Trips

Girl Scout Print and Go Silly Sentences

Free Official Girl Scout Songbook

Free Girl Scout Cookie Booth Checklist

Free Girl Scout Cookie Word Search

10 Free Printables for November Girl Scout Meetings

Free Girl Scout Badge Work Make Up Checklist for Daisies, Brownies and Juniors

Free Girl Scout Leader and Co-Leader Pre-Meeting Checklist

Free Girl Scout Leader Back to Troop Checklist

Cadette Silver Award Project Summer Fun Patch

Free Printable Calendar for Leaders

A Fun Time Filler Game for Virtual and in Person Girl Scout Meetings

Bucket Filler Free Compliment Flyer

 Pick a Stick Icebreaker Game

 BIC Play It Safe Fire Safety Patch Program

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Free Girl Scout Meeting Planning Tempates

 Free Girl Scout meeting planning templates will help simplify organizing your troop meetings.

Are you ready to make planning each Girl Scout meeting easier?           

Most of you reading this are probably thinking, What did I get myself into? Didn’t I just plan a meeting?

I know the feeling.

I have planned lessons for children since 1987. I have always considered each meeting I created like a lesson. There was always an objective, whether it was doing a badge, a service project or even, in our older scouting years, a Journey.

Free Girl Scout Meeting Templates

While this is intuitive for me, for many leaders, it is not.

This is why I am offering you two FREE troop meeting planning templates.

Template 1 is a pre-planning template. Get yourself organized before you get into the nitty gritty details.

Template 2 lays out exactly what you planned in an easy to use format. it comes in two versions-color and black and white.

You can get your free Girl Scout meeting planning templates here.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Girl Scout Daisy to Brownie Bridging Certificate for Your Bridging Ceremony

If your troop is moving up to the next level of scouts, here is a Girl Scout Daisy to Brownie bridging certificate that you can hand out at your ceremony.

*This post contains affiliate links.

In a recent blog post, I shared with you ideas for your Daisy to Brownie Bridging ceremony. This is the first of hopefully many scouting milestones you will share with your young troop. 

As your girls bridge over to Brownies, you will want to give them a Girl Scout Daisy to Brownie Bridging Certificate.  

Girl Scout Daisy to Brownie Bridging Certificate for Your Bridging Ceremony

Be sure to take a photo of your new Brownie with her certificate for your Girl Scout scrapbook.

You can head on over to Teachers Pay Teachers and get your certificate today!

Monday, April 11, 2022

Girl Scout Daisy Certificates for Troops Who Are Not Bridging


In a few short weeks, it will be the end of scouting season for many Girl Scout Daisy leaders. For those who are completing year one, here is a first year Daisy certificate that you can hand out at your end of the year celebration.

*This post contains affiliate links.

Congratulations on completing your first year as a Daisy leader! And what a time to start your leadership role-during a world-wide pandemic!

You made it and so did your troop. While some of you are deciding to meet over the summer, I chose not to do that. I carried the load by myself all year, and my teacher brain and school calendar dictated that summer time is my time to rejuvenate. The only time my troop ever met in the summer was when they were Girl Scout Seniors who needed to complete a journey.

First Year Girl Scout Daisy Certificate

This is a non-bridging year for your troop. If you are planning a last Court of Awards or a simple fun last meeting of the year (that is what I did-a field trip or an easy craft and food), you can give your girls a certificate that shows they complete their first year of Girl Scout Daisies.

The certificate can be put in their Girl Scout scrapbook or hung in their room.

I created a simple and inexpensive First Year Daisy Certificate on Teachers Pay Teachers.

Please be sure to check it out and rate it. You get points that convert into cash when you buy products and rate them.

Are you having an end of the year celebration?

Monday, March 28, 2022

Girl Scout Daisy to Brownie Bridging Ceremony Ideas

If you are planning your Girl Scout Daisy to Brownie bridging ceremony, here are some fun ideas for decorating and gifts for your troop.

I remember like it was yesterday my troop's Girl Scout Daisy to Brownie bridging ceremony. It was so much fun to plan, and it made me very happy to have achieved this first scouting milestone.

Girl Scout Daisy to Brownie Bridging Ceremony Ideas

If you missed my last post, it is a guide on how to create your own Girl Scout Daisy to Brownie Bridging Ceremony.

Here are some simple decorating and menu tips that will meet the KISS criteria that I live by-Keep It Simple Sister.

Decorating for Your Girl Scout Daisy to Brownie Bridging Ceremony

A pretty plastic table covering can set your tablescape.

Girl Scout Daisy to Brownie Bridging Ceremony Ideas

Another thing you can do is have a solid colored tablecloth and use these colorful rainbow themed paper goods.

Girl Scout Daisy to Brownie Bridging Ceremony Ideas

Even simpler, use a solid colored tablecloth and these rainbow honeycombs. Easy bridging tablescape!

A few rainbow balloons will also be a festive touch.

Girl Scout Daisy to Brownie Bridging Ceremony Ideas

Food to Serve at Your Girl Scout Daisy to Brownie Bridging Ceremony

Even though we are approaching a back to normal way of living, when it comes to food, it is best at this time to use prepackaged food items. Not only is this easy, it is also friendly to those with food allergies and sensitivities. Parents can make sure that their child are eating food that is prepared in a safe environment.

Create a SignUp Genius for your troop so everyone is making a contribution is also a part of the KISS way of leading a troop.

Here are some ideas for food to serve:

Pony waters (the small size)

Juice boxes

Individually wrapped apple slices

Prepackaged mini muffins



Veggie Straws

Cheeze Its


What are you planning to do for your Girl Scout Daisy to Brownie bridging ceremony?

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Daisy To Brownie Girl Scout Bridging Guide 2022

This year, leaders who have troops that are bridging from Daisies to Brownies can have one that is like the ones that took place pre-pandemic. Here is a guide to help you plan your ceremony.

During the past two years, the pandemic has changed the way we have been scouting with our troops. While we were able to meet, it came with all kinds of different rules, and those also varied by Council. Some could meet only outdoors and socially distant, while others could meet indoors without a mask. There were times when we all went virtual, and it was a stressful time to keep our girls engaged.

Free Girl Scout Daisy  to  Brownie Bridging resources

Now that the worst appears to be over (fingers crossed), leaders will once again be able to have a regular Girl Scout bridging ceremony and celebration.

When Do Girl Scout Bridge to the Next Level?

Many leaders wonder when their troop needs to bridge. There is not right or wrong answer; the right time is what works best for your troop.

For example, if you take the summers off from meeting, then bridging as your last meeting of the year makes sense. You start the new scouting year as your next level.

That being said, even if you do not meet in the summer, having your first meeting of the scouting year as your bridging ceremony also makes a lot of sense.

Leaders who meet during the summer months may do level specific badges during this time, so bridging in the fall works for them.

No matter what time of you decide to bridge, give the families enough notice so they can attend. It is best if you can do it during your regular meeting time, as this 60-90 minute time slot is already carved into the family's schedule.

The KISS Strategy for Daisy to Brownie Girl Scout Bridging

Let me start by sharing what the KISS strategy is.


The girls in your troop are easy to please. They are six and seven years old. This is not a wedding, Bat Mitzvah, 50th anniversary party, or college graduation party. You are not going to drive yourself crazy on Pinterest and spend hours planning the perfect event. Your Daisy to Brownie bridging ceremony will be about 10 minutes long, no more than 15 minutes tops. Your audience (aka, parents and siblings) will appreciate the shorter ceremony and the girls will be so happy about the celebration that they will want to party on as well.

Free Girl Scout Daisy  to  Brownie Bridging resources

Does My Troop Need to Earn All the Petals in Order to Bridge to Brownies?

The short answer is no, they do not. There are no requirements for girls to move up to any level, as where they are placed is solely dependent upon what grade in school they are in.

Resources for Your Daisy to Brownie Bridging Ceremony

Keeping with the KISS strategy, your co-leader and you do not need to write your own ceremony. I am going to provide you with several resources that are already done for you.

Might you want to say a few words? Absolutely! That is what my co-leader and I did. 

Here are some useful links to help guide plan your Daisy to Brownie Bridging ceremony.

Free Girl Scout Daisy  to  Brownie Bridging resources

First of all, you do not have to do ANYTHING to bridge your troop. Girls automatically bridge because they are moving up a grade. 

If you want to earn the Brownie wings, here is what needs to be done. 

Both steps are fairly easy to complete. Start reaching out to sister troops now so you can fulfill these requirements.

Girl Scout Bridging Guide from North-Central Alabama

Here is a guide for leaders no matter where you reside.

This one is a bit long, but you can condense it to make it work for your troop.

Scroll to page 15 to find the Daisy to Brownie guide.

Check out the images to find a poem that you want to read.

This post has been updated and all links are viable as of April 2021. Make sure to print one copy and then take it to Staples or Office Max to run off. Save your receipt to get reimbursed. There is no sense using up all of your own ink!

It is nice to give a little gift to your girls. I gave mine a box of Brownie Mix. This label did not exist then, but if it did, I would have used it!

Girl Scout Daisy to Brownie Bridging

Ceremonies from Actual Troops

Here is a sampling of some of the Daisy to Brownie Bridging ceremonies that you can find on YouTube.

In my next post, I will share easy decorating and gift ideas that will make your Daisy to Brownie bridging ceremony most memorable.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Make a Girl Scout Daisy Time Capsule for Thirds Day 3.3.33

*This post contains affiliate links.

Did you know that on 3/3/33 your Daisy troop will be 11th or 12th grade Ambassador Scouts? 

I have a fun way for your troop to celebrate now and then again later!

This Girl Scout Daisy Time Capsule Meeting for Thirds Day 3.3.33 is one where your troop will create a special box of memories to be opened when they are teenagers. March 3, 2033 takes place on a Thursday, so it will be Thirds Day! It is another special numerical palindrome that your scouts will get to celebrate.

Make a Girl Scout Daisy Time Capsule for Thirds Day 3.3.33

Included in this resource are:

  • A list of activities you can do with your troop to prepare your time capsule
  • Ideas to make your time capsule
  • Two "All About me" pages
  • A Troop Signature page
  • A letter to their Future Ambassador Scout page

This is fun to do now and something to look forward to later!

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Girl Scout Law Games for Daisies and Brownies 5 Print and Go Activities & Games

*This post contains affiliate links.

The foundation of the Girl Scouts is the Girl Scout Law. These 10 building blocks are the basis for everything your troop does. These Girl Scout Law Games for Daisies and Brownies contain 5 Print and Go Activities and Games that you can do over and over again. They are perfect for sponge activities before your meeting starts, time fillers for the end of meetings, and something engaging to do for early finishers in your troop.

5 Print and Go Girl Scout Law Games

The Girl Scout Law Review Games includes:

  • Matching/Memory Game for readers (two different ways to use them)
  • Matching/Memory Game for non-readers (the matching symbol is on the card with the words)
  • Girl Scout Law strips that can be used multiple ways
  • Girl Scout Law Dominoes Game (broken down into two separate games)

Girl Scout Law Games for Daisies and Brownies 5 Print and Go Activities & Games

How do you teach your girls the Girl Scout Law?

Monday, January 31, 2022

Easy Valentine's Day Girl Scout Daisy Meeting

Take a breath during cookie season with these easy ideas for a Girl Scout Valentine's Day meeting.

*This post contains affiliate links.

The holiday season is over. There is still a whole lot of winter that has to happen before the warmer spring season arrives. Your troop is stuck indoors…unless you are selling Girl Scout cookies at booths on the weekends. If you want a break from focusing on cookies, why not plan a fun Valentine’s Day meeting that does not require a lot of planning.

Easy Girl Scout Valentine's Day Meeting

If you have read my blog for any length of time, you know how much I love to plan and organize.  Now is the time to start thinking about a Valentine’s Day craft if your meeting falls near the holiday.  Yes, I know that it is also World Thinking Day on February 22nd, as well as Twos Day, but newer and younger troops may not be celebrating this year. Plus, in case you are not aware, you can celebrate WTD any time of year, not just in February.

Your Valentine's Day meeting can be done in three simple steps.

1. Read a Story

There are so many wonderful Valentine's Day books for kids. Here are just a few.

Easy Valentine's Day Girl Scout Daisy Meeting 

With illustrations by the well-loved Tedd Arnold of Fly Guy fame, this story is sure to incite giggles.

Easy Valentine's Day Girl Scout Daisy Meeting

The book was written an illustrated by the popular duo Laura Numeroff and Felicia Bond. A crowd pleaser at any age!

Easy Valentine's Day Girl Scout Daisy Meeting

Written and illustrated by Felicia Bond, see what Cornelia Augusta does the day it rains hearts.

2. Do a Craft

For this easy Valentine's Day Girl Scout Daisy meeting, you can do a fun craft using a ready made craft kit. Here are just a few. 

Easy Valentine's Day Craft

Easy Valentine's Day Girl Scout Meeting

Easy Valentine's Day Girl Scout Daisy Meeting

3. Make a Treat

Because Council rules vary, your girls may not be able to eat their Valentine's Day treat while at your meeting, and that is fine. Have plastic bags and/or foil to wrap up whatever you are making and the girls can eat their treat at home.


Paper plates
Paper bowls
Plastic knives
Red or pink sugar and sprinkles

One of the easiest and most fun activities that my girls did through the years is decorate cookies. If you are not a baker, go to the grocery store and buy the jumbo package of sugar cookies.

Have the icing and decorations in bowls around the table. Have the girls decorate them. Easy!

What is your troop doing for Valentine's Day?

Thursday, January 20, 2022

10 Virtual Girl Scout Daisy Petal Meetings

With the rise in Covid cases across the country, many Councils are requiring leaders to have virtual meetings. Here are 10 virtual Girl Scout Daisy meetings to help with the planning.

*This post contains affiliate links.

As a nation, we have had a challenging two years. Girl Scout troops across the nation, like most schools, went to virtual learning last year. During last spring, we were finally permitted to have in person meetings.

And now, as the Covid-19 numbers rise again, many Councils are telling leaders to return to the virtual format if they want to be with their troop.

10 Virtual Girl Scout Daisy Petal Meetings

For first year Daisy leaders, this can be daunting, as they do not have the experience from last year to rely on. Add on the challenge of cookie sales, if they chose to do them, and planning virtual meetings is an added stressor.

Since we do not know how long we will be unable to meet in person, I have put together a product that has 10 Virtual Girl Scout Daisy meetings.

With the exception of the orange Daisy petal, which is new, the others are a part of the other Daisy petal products that I have created. Everything you need is included, just let the girls know what they need and your planning is done.