Monday, May 5, 2014

Free Girl Scout Daisy Coloring Pages


As a teacher since 1987, one of the very first things my principal had me master was classroom management. You see, it isn't enough to have a great lesson plan and implement it well.  In a class of 25 children, there will always be kids who finish quickly and those who need the entire period (or longer) to complete a task.

Free Girl Scout Daisy Coloring Pages
Image created by the author on Canva

Those who finish early can quite easily get themselves into trouble if they are not kept busy in a constructive way.  As a second and then a third grade teacher, I had a list of ten different enrichment activities on the blackboard every day. These changed weekly so that no child could ever complain about being bored.

I covered all different kinds of learners with my enrichment activities. Some were simple art projects that fit into a holiday or reading theme, others were word puzzles, and the most difficult were fifth and sixth grade brainteasers that all were encouraged to try, but only the top students tended to get correct.

Your Daisy meeting is probably an hour long, so there isn't much chance that early finishers on project you are working on will have a ton of time left over. However, any time not spent constructively can lead to unwanted behaviors like running around, bothering the girls who are still working and simple whining.

You can prevent these behaviors from happening with free Daisy coloring pages that you can print at home or take to the printers.

Here is a list of resources to find different coloring pages. has petal pages and Girl Scout Law coloring pages. also has several Daisy flowers from which to choose.

This image search produced more coloring pages than you could ever use!

Have you used any of the free Girl Scout Daisy coloring pages?

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