
Sunday, March 28, 2021

Girl Scout Daisy Vinyl Car Decals

Girl Scout Daisy vinyl car decals are a fun way to show your daughter is involved with scouting.

*This post contains affiliate links.

Whenever I stpped at a traffic light or stuck in traffic, I like to look at the cars around me. You can tell a lot by what kind of bumper stickers or decals the person has on his or her car. Do they like rock music? Are they a dog or a cat lover? How many people are in their family?

Now you can share your daughter's involvement with Girl Scouts with Girl Scout Daisy vinyl car decals. These are discontinued and hard to find, and I was able to find them! 

Girl Scout Daisy Car decal

Photo by the author

You can find these decals and other Girl Scout levels, as well as Troop Moms and Dads, in my Etsy shop! Visit it here.