
Monday, August 26, 2019

Getting Along With Your Girl Scout Co-leader and Avoiding the Drama

Updated October 2021

One of the most important relationships that you will have as a Girl Scout leader is the one you will have with your co-leader. If things go well, your troop will thrive and your relationship will blossom. If things go badly, then it can have an impact on your personal health and the well-being of your troop.

Getting Along With Your Girl Scout Co-leader and Avoiding the Drama

Photo from Pixabay and altered by the author in Canva

Almost five years ago, I wrote this blog post about getting along with your co-leader. It stems from my own issues with the woman who signed up to be a leader with me. While it started out well, by the end of the sixth year, I was over it. There were things I had wished I had done differently, and that is how that blog post was born. 

You can read about how to get along with your co-leader here.

Girl Scout Leader and CopLeader Checklist

I have a FREE Girl Scout Leader and Co-Leader Pre-Meeting Checklist for you to use so you start the year on the same page. You can find it here at my Teachers Pay Teachers store.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Fun Daisy Shapes for Girl Scout Crafts

*This post contains affiliate links.

One thing that I loved about being a Daisy leader was doing crafts. While have done the occasional craft while doing a Girl Scout Journey, nowadays my troop of 11th grade Ambassadors like to go camping and go on outings. 

Fun Daisy Shapes for Girl Scout Crafts

Image created by the author in Canva

Since you are a leader of Daisies for two years, investing in Daisy shaped items for crafts is a fun idea. Flowers can decorate cards for holidays, Birthday in a Bag projects, scrapbooking, and community service project collection boxes.

Crafting is perfect for those long indoor months when it is a challenge to go outside and earn a badge or go on a field trip. Most little girls like to create things, and using the shape that represents their level of scouting is one way to have them represent!

Available on Amazon

This item contains 120 felt flowers in a variety of colors. They can be glued to many different surfaces for your crafting needs.

Peel and stick foam flower stickers for Daisy Girl Scout crafts

This package of 196 Peel and stick foam flower stickers for Daisy Girl Scout crafts. It has a lot of variety so no two crafts will look the same.

This is a set of 350 stickers for various crafting needs. They have cute smiling faces!

Stickers for Girl Scout Daisy Crafts

This set come with three rolls of stickers-300 in total. They are about 1.5 inches in diameter and are bright and colorful.
Large Daisy foam shape for Kaper charts and other Girl Scout Daisy crafts

This large Daisy foam shape can be used for Kaper charts and other Girl Scout Daisy crafts. It comes in a package of 36 in three different colors. 

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Girl Scout Daisy Uniform Options...Yes, There Are Alternatives!

*This post contains affiliate links.

As a new leader, you may be a bit surprised at the start up cost of your daughter's Daisy uniform. The tunic or vest, the Council ID, the flag and the numerals all add up. In some cases, there may be girls in your troop whose families cannot afford the cost of a new uniform. To be clear, a girl does not need a uniform for meetings. The Girls Scouts of the USA online shop website says this about uniforms:

Girl Scouts at each level have one required element (Tunic, Sash or Vest) for the display of official pins and awards which will be required when girls participate in ceremonies or officially represent the Girl Scout Movement.

For meetings, it is certainly fine for your girls to not have a uniform if they do not get financial aid for one. And some parents are too proud to ask, and may make excuses for their daughter not having one.

Girl Scout Daisy Uniform Alternatives

Image created on Canva

But what if I told you there is a middle ground that can make having a uniform for the girls in your troop more affordable?

Daisy Inspired Tunic

Blue children's cobbler apron is an inexpensive alternative to a Daisy tunic.

This apron is designed for younger children, and is the perfect shade of blue.While this is not the official Daisy tunic, is it a very close replica. 

White Tee Shirts

At craft stores like Michaels, you can buy plain white tee shirts for $3.00. With a coupon off your entire purchase or when there is a sale where you can buy with a coupon, you can pay even less. Decorate them with your troop number with fabric paint. You can also use a foam brush and paint each girls hand with a different color acrylic paint and have them put a handprint on each shirt. Make sure to put a piece of cardboard inside each shrit so it does not stick to the other side as it dries.

What are you doing for your troop's uniform?