
Saturday, February 27, 2016

Daisy Girl Scout Activities for Girl Scout Week 2016

*Links checked and updated November 2019

Now that Founder's Day is over, it is time to look forward to the next scouting holiday-Girl Scout Week. On March 12, 1912, Juliette Gordon Low founded the Girl Scouts of the USA. It is during this week that scouts of all levels commit to some kind of service activity to show their pride.

The service part involves simple activities to make the world a better place. There is no need to reinvent the wheel or to make yourself crazy trying to create something new. Most of you have just come off cookie season or at the tail end of it.

Resources for Daisy Girl Scout leaders to help them celebrate Girl Scout Week with their troop.

Photo from Pixabay

For my troop, Girl Scout Week activities have always been optional. Our Service Unit hosts a roller skating activity for all scouts during this week. Little girls love to see the older ones hang out at the same venue. If the girls in my troop want to earn a fun patch, they can participate by doing activities that either I gave them or the service unit. For example, our service unit asked so we made posters promoting Girl Scouts during our meeting and they were hung around the schools the girls attended. That counted towards one of the activities on the checklist. Others were done on their own.

If the girls handed the signed checklist in on time-great! They earned the patch. If not, they did not get one. I did not chase parents down for this and you should not either. Parents have to own this since the Girl Scout Week activities are done independently. If they are not committed to helping their daughter int heir free time, there is nothing you can do about it.

Here are some resources for you to use with your Daisy Scouts for Girl Scout Week 2016. Ignore the dates at the top-they are not relevant. Also, I permitted my girls to do one activity from each list, but it did not have to be on the day it specified. As long as one was completed, it did not matter if it matched the date.

Girl Scouts of Rhode Island

This has several activities for any given day.

Activities for Girl Scout Week

In this blog post from 2015, I have resources listed for leaders to use.

More Activities for Girl Scout Week

This 2016 blog post has even more resources for you.

What is your Daisy troop doing for Girl Scout Week 2016?