
Friday, July 4, 2014

Craft Classes at Michael's-Cheap Summer Meeting Idea for Daisy Scouts!

*This post contains affiliate links.

While many troops take the summer off, if you are a leader who is interested in getting together with your girls during the summer months-informally or formally-then you might want to look into the 30 minute craft classes that Michael's Craft Stores has to offer.

Every Saturday from 10:00 am to Noon, there is a different class offered.  The cost is $2.00 per child, and this can be paid for by the parents if this is not a formal meeting.

You can do a mass email and tell them what time you will be there with your daughter and that you would love for the girls to see each other. Let them know the cost and that they are responsible for it, as well as staying with their child.

Here is the link for the Michael's Kids Club for the list of classes offered.

Photos from